Dog Tips

These comprehensive articles can guide you through the ups and down of dog ownership, from proper nutrition and exercise to training and grooming. Read through all the tips here to keep your pooch happy and improve their longevity.
toxic plants
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Dog Tips

9 Indoor and Outdoor Plants That Can Kill Your Pet

When these 2 Illinois residents visited South Carolina with their large dogs, they had no idea that a plant growing in their yard would take the lives of both of their beloved pets. For one, it was a nearly instant death, and a slow painful one for the other. Would you recognize these toxic plants?
8 min read
fiber for dogs
Dog Tips

How Much Fiber Does Your Dog Really Need?

If you look at the fiber wild canines receive from what they eat, it's a far cry from what's in some ultraprocessed pet foods. While your dog doesn't need beet pulp, grain hulls or sawdust added to her food, she does need fiber. Here's how to tell if your dog is getting enough of the right kinds.
6 min read
anxious dogs brains
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Dog Tips

How the Brains of Anxious Dogs Differ From Others

When your dog reacts to sudden loud noises, such as fireworks and thunderstorms, or changes in his routine that leave him acting fearful and anxious, could it all be in his head? This surprising new research reveals how the brains of dogs with anxiety may be wired differently.
6 min read
top treats for dogs
Dog Tips

22 Top Treat Choices That Don't Come From a Box

Giving your dog too many processed treats isn't unlike giving a human an endless supply of potato chips and candy. I believe the best treats are those that provide valuable nutrition to your pet while also serving as a special treat. How many of these healthy, fresh food choices have you tried?
6 min read
how to get your dog to love his crate
Dog Tips

How to Get Your Dog to Love His Crate

Crates offer many benefits for canines, and if introduced properly can be a comforting refuge for your dog. Choosing the right type, size and location are paramount to your dog's acceptance. Avoid these mistakes to help your pet respond positively to his new cozy den.
5 min read
pets fourth of july
Dog Tips

Stress-Busting Strategies for Easing Your Pet's Fear

The Fourth of July holiday can be stressful for many pets. Nearly 1 in 2 dogs fear fireworks, and that fear can persist for days. There's much you can do to both protect your pet and make the day less threatening. Try these proven strategies to increase your pet's comfort.
5 min read
irresistible dog behaviors
Dog Tips

3 Irresistible Behaviors: What Your Dog Wants You to Know

Few pet parents can resist these adorable behaviors when they happen, but often wonder if their dog is trying to tell them something. Your dog is constantly communicating with you, so it's in your court to learn the hidden meanings behind the behaviors so you can respond.
5 min read
dog cat digestive enzymes
Cat Tips

Why so Many Dogs and Cats Have Digestive Issues

Bad breath, foul-smelling poop, bloating, gas, diarrhea and vomiting, as well as food sensitivities, lack of energy and joint issues can all be signs of this common problem. The good news is, there's an easy, fast-acting fix if you know what to look for.
6 min read