Dog Tips

These comprehensive articles can guide you through the ups and down of dog ownership, from proper nutrition and exercise to training and grooming. Read through all the tips here to keep your pooch happy and improve their longevity.
reasons why dogs eat grass
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Dog Tips

4 Reasons Why Your Dog Eats Grass

Most dogs eat grass on occasion, and some regularly chomp down when the opportunity arises. Does it mean something may be wrong or is it just one of those oddball canine behaviors? While your pup may do it simply out of boredom, there are also health-related reasons for eating grass.
4 min read
why do dogs have tails
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Dog Tips

Why Do Dogs Have Tails?

A cat's tail helps with agility and movement, but because a dog's tail is relatively small compared to body size, it's unknown if dogs rely on their tails for the same reasons. Now, a team of researchers has set out to discover the real reason dogs have tails.
4 min read
fresh meat kibble
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Dog Tips

What You Need to Know About Fresh Meat Kibble

A study showed adding fresh meat to a kibble formula results in higher concentrations of essential amino acids than dry food made with meat meal. Does that mean it's a healthy choice for your dog or cat? Here's what they're not telling you about these pet foods.
7 min read
dog pain nontoxic therapies
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Dog Tips

Nontoxic Therapies to Help Relieve Your Dog's Pain

Natural pain relief options can often be effective for mild to moderate pain, with or without other pain medications. These nontoxic therapies work at the root of your dog's pain instead of masking symptoms by acting on her nervous system, reducing inflammation and boosting circulation.
5 min read
adopt a shelter dog
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Dog Tips

One of the Best Ways to Help Homeless Dogs

When you do this, you save at least one - if not two - precious lives. Plus, it allows you to take a stand against pet stores, puppy mills and irresponsible backyard breeders. Here's how to turn it into one of the most memorable experiences of your life.
4 min read
tumor-fighting foods for pets
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Dog Tips

The Best Tumor-Fighting Foods for Pets

Chances are, if your dog or cat develops a tumor or other malignant condition, your vet may suggest feeding this soon-to-be-released pet food. Here's why following that advice may be a serious mistake, and what I recommend feeding instead, along with eight immune-enhancing add-ins.
6 min read
World's Smartest Dog
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Dog Tips

What We're Learning From the World's Smartest Dog

With a 1,000-plus word vocabulary, Chaser may be the most important dog in the history of modern scientific research. While dogs can develop the mental capacity of a 2-year-old toddler, she has learned more than three times the number of words. What's the secret sauce in her specialness?
6 min read
can dogs sense moods
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Dog Tips

How Dogs 'See' the World and Sense Your Mood

Finally, there's proof of what dog parents have suspected for a long time. Your dog can sense your mood, know when you are stressed, feel happy or frightened. But how does that affect your dog's long-term well-being? Can your emotions cause disease - and even tumors - in your dog?
6 min read