Food Facts is a directory of foods for your pets. This destination provides you with valuable information about various types of foods for your pets, so you’ll know which ones are safe to add to their healthy, species-appropriate meals or treats.
It's one of the best types of foods you can share with pets, as it's loaded with antioxidants that can boost immunity, slow down aging and promote mitochondrial health.
It can be added to smoothies, desserts, pies - and to your pet's food bowl! Not only is this fruit rich in flavonoids and antioxidants, but it also contains a component that may help whiten your pet's teeth, for a brighter smile. Find out how to safely give it to your pets.
These small lens-shaped pulses pack an array of bioactive compounds that may help improve your pet’s health. Find out the best way to serve them to your pet.
Popular in tropical places like Hawaii, this food can add an interesting texture to your pet’s meals, but make sure you cook it properly. Because it’s high in starch, only give it in small amounts. Here’s how to share it with them.
Served properly and obtained from the right sources, this oily saltwater fish contains healthy fats that can help boost your pet’s health, while being a scrumptious snack.
Fluffy, starchy and compliments many dishes, this grain is a staple in many cuisines. Does it deserve a spot in your pet’s meals, too? Read this article to find out.
Often mashed or baked in human dishes, these versatile tubers are a mainstay in many cuisines around the world. But should you add them to your pet's meals? Find out here.
Summer salads wouldn't be complete without this crispy green veggie. Although it's 90% water, it still offers nutrients that may help support your pet’s well-being.