Inspiring Videos Seagull Shows Off Her Baby Chick to Indoor Cat Yes, sometimes there are unlikely friendships; in this case, a cat and a seagull family!
Inspiring Videos Freezing Dog Got a Warm Fireplace and a New Coat! Minus-30 temperatures would not be kind to this poor, freezing dog. Her rescue was just in time.
Inspiring Videos Stray Dog at a Mine Adopted by the Mine Inspector For this dog, the day can't begin until she sees her favorite human pull into the driveway!
Inspiring Videos ‘Kitten Distribution System’ Placed Baby in Their Backyard! A tiny, frightened kitten found her 'home' in every sense when she showed up here.
Inspiring Videos Dog Obsessed With Koi Fish ‘Nose Boops’ Them Gently A guy was nervous because his daughter's dog refused to stop checking out the koi pond!
Inspiring Videos Cat Rescue 101, Plus an Uber! Here's an example of the perfect cat rescue scenario, but this one involves an Uber!
Inspiring Videos Their Friendship Stuck From an Egg to a Duck! An egg cracked open and the little duck inside became a little girl's true lifelong companion!
Inspiring Videos Guy to Kitten: ‘We’re Gonna Give You a Beautiful Life!’ A kitten got dumped on this bearded guy's property. He made it his mission to befriend it!
Inspiring Videos Senior Dog ‘Just Wanted To Be Loved’ 'I can't say we ever introduced him to anybody that didn't just fall in love with that dog.'