Inspiring Videos A Christmas Vignette With Fido, Fluffy and Squeaker! Christmas is our favorite time of year, but even better when our pets celebrate with us!
Inspiring Videos Golden Retrievers Pick Out Their Annual Christmas Sock Tree Two golden retrievers shop for a Christmas sock tree filled with every dog's favorite things!
Inspiring Videos Maternal Instinct Is Strong in This One! Resting with her new kitten, this mama cat makes sure she is in contact with it at all times.
Inspiring Videos Dog Wears Custom Helmet Due to Rare Brain Condition Mr. Muggles' rare brain condition requires special care, but his owner says, 'It's so worth it.'
Inspiring Videos Golden Retriever Joins the Game Kittens Are Playing Two kittens were playing a version of 'whack-a-kitty,' but then the dog wanted to play.
Inspiring Videos Dog Sneaks Into the Neighbor's Pool Every Morning This golden retriever loves his 6 a.m. swim in the pool every morning. Problem: It's not his pool.
Inspiring Videos Cat's Happy With His Flippy Fish Toy — Mostly It's all fun and games when the fish toy's battery is charged up. Utterly sad when it's not.
Inspiring Videos Gerbil Insists on Being 'Burritoed' for His Naps If you've never seen a tiny gerbil sleeping all swaddled up in a blanket, you must see this!
Inspiring Videos Golden Retriever and Kitten Trying Hard to Stay Awake! This dog and his tiny feline friend are doing their best to stay alert, but just can't do it!