The foods listed here are generally safe for pets, and can be used for homemade treats or added to their nutritionally balanced, species-appropriate meals in moderate amounts.
They may look like giant raisins, but they're not; in fact, they can be safely shared with pets. Just make sure to give them in very small quantities, as they have high amounts of sugar.
Popular in tropical places like Hawaii, this food can add an interesting texture to your pet's meals, but make sure you cook it properly. Because it's high in starch, only give it in small amounts. Here's how to share it with them.
What this fish lacks in size, it makes up for in flavor and nutrition. With a wealth of healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, it’s a tasty addition to your pet’s repertoire. Find out how to serve it to your pet.
This superfood from the Brazilian rainforest is commonly added to smoothies for its antioxidant benefits, but when it comes to sharing it with pets, moderation is key. Here's how to safely add it to their meals.
A staple in Mediterranean cooking, this small food packs big flavors and a wide array of antioxidants. But keep this caveat in mind before sharing it with your furry best friend.
Technically a fruit, this crunchy treat comes in different colors and is rich in flavonoids, vitamin C and other antioxidants. Have you tried adding it to your pet's meals? Here's how to share it with them safely.
This fruit isn't the most well-known, but its nutrient profile can pack a punch. If you're looking to introduce a new treat to your pet, consider this one.
Known for its juicy, sweet taste, this fruit's popularity shouldn't come as a surprise. But did you know that it's loaded with bioactive compounds that may help boost your pet's immunity?
Summer salads wouldn't be complete without this crispy green veggie. Although it's 90% water, it still offers nutrients that may help support your pet's well-being.