The foods listed here are generally safe for pets, and can be used for homemade treats or added to their nutritionally balanced, species-appropriate meals in moderate amounts.
Served properly and obtained from the right sources, this oily saltwater fish contains healthy fats that can help boost your pet’s health, while being a scrumptious snack.
Fluffy, starchy and compliments many dishes, this grain is a staple in many cuisines. Does it deserve a spot in your pet’s meals, too? Read this article to find out.
Often mashed or baked in human dishes, these versatile tubers are a mainstay in many cuisines around the world. But should you add them to your pet's meals? Find out here.
Summer salads wouldn't be complete without this crispy green veggie. Although it's 90% water, it still offers nutrients that may help support your pet’s well-being.
Dubbed as a 'nearly perfect food,' this protein source gives your pets a healthy amount of omega-3s. Here are feeding tips to remember and the best type of salmon you should buy.
While your dog or cat may enjoy chicken or beef regularly, it's good to introduce them to new flavors every once in a while. This alternative protein may be a healthy, enjoyable way to change things up.
Just like broccoli, this cruciferous vegetable contains a powerful compound that can stimulate over 200 genes and has multiple benefits. Here's how to share it with your pets.
Your pet's gut health plays a crucial role in their biological functions and protection against diseases. Give them this key ingredient to keep their gut in check.