The foods listed here are generally safe for pets, and can be used for homemade treats or added to their nutritionally balanced, species-appropriate meals in moderate amounts.
These little, polyphenol-rich fruits may help support your pet's health in various ways, all while being a tasty treat! Have you tried offering them to your pet?
When offered in the proper way (chopped in small pieces), this popular tree nut can add a crunchy texture and a healthy dose of phytochemicals to your pet’s snack time. Learn more about its benefits here.
Renowned for its therapeutic effects for humans, you'll be pleased to know that furry friends can enjoy the same benefits of this polyphenol-rich beverage as well. Learn how to offer it to pets here.
With autumn just around the corner, chances are you'll be seeing more of this sweet, crunchy fruit in your local markets. It's loaded with immune-boosting antioxidants, and has been valued for its anti-inflammatory benefits ever since the early times. Has your pet tasted it yet?
Found in most grocery stores all year round, this beloved fruit is known for its crunchy texture, making it a wonderful treat to share with pets. It offers numerous phytochemicals that may help ward off illnesses and even contains a compound that may help freshen your pet's breath.
This leafy vegetable offers beneficial nutrients but also contains oxalates. If your pet has a genetic predisposition to calcium oxalate bladder stones, make sure to consult your veterinarian before adding it to their food bowl.
The perfect summertime snack, this juicy fruit symbolizes immortality in Daoist mythology. Not surprisingly, it's an excellent source of bioactive compounds that may help protect your pet against chronic diseases, including tumors and heart disease.
While you may enjoy it roasted, spiced or baked with a bit of honey or curry, this humble vegetable is best shared plain — either raw or cooked — to your furry friend. Has your pet tasted them yet?