Game Changers

These amazing Pet Game Changers have been chosen by pet lovers for the wonderful work they do. Thank you for being an inspiration to animal lovers all over the world! (Game Changers are nominated by our subscribers and people in our wellness community, and Dr. Becker interviews the nominees. These interviews do not constitute an endorsement of the individual or the organization they represent.)
colleen smith pet health revolutionary
Game Changers

From Chemist to Pet Health Revolutionary

Explore the unique path of Dr. Colleen Smith, who turned from chemistry to veterinary medicine, and now leads the charge in integrating acupuncture, chiropractic care, and nutrition into pet care.
6 min read
complimentary healing modalities
Game Changers

A Tale of Empowerment and Healing

Deb Teubert's transformative role as a holistic pet health coach extends beyond treating pets; it's about empowering pet owners to explore alternative healing avenues.
6 min read
Dr Woodford giving pets second chance life
Game Changers

Little-Known Therapies Giving Pets a Second Chance on Life

They're not the typical tools found in most veterinarians' clinics, but when used on animals in need, the results can be truly miraculous. For this veterinarian, it took a newly crippled dachshund, picked up and shaken by a neighbor dog, to open her eyes to these natural healing methods.
6 min read
one hour a week can change lives of animals
Game Changers

How One Hour a Week Can Change the Lives of Animals

Mary Jo Rulffes discovered how a simple action can help animals in need and, at the same time, bring out kindness and compassion in people. Now she wants everyone to know the value of one hour and how it can make a difference in the lives of animals in your community.
6 min read
giving elderly dogs a new home with Karen Cole
Game Changers

Saving Those Most in Need of Love and Companionship

Imagine if you made it your life's mission to go out of your way to find elderly and terminally ill dogs who might otherwise never experience love & companionship. Our newest Game Changer, Karen Cole, is doing just that, and it all started with her rescuing Lizzy from a life on a chain for 13 years.
6 min read
Dr Gerald Buchoff integrative veterinarian
Game Changers

One Tip That Could Radically Change Your Pet's Health

According to Dr. Buchoff, if every pet owner did this one thing that costs little or nothing to do, there would be a lot fewer vets, simply because their services wouldn't be needed like they are now. It is so crucial to your pet's health, it's a travesty every pet owner isn't already doing it.
6 min read